Super Soft and Gooey Brownies

I do love my usual brownies and they are super easy to make. But i needed to up my game with regards to the super gooey brownie.

I have been busy experimenting and I think I have cracked it!

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Cinnamon Coffee Cake

A Beautifully light and moist sponge cake with a cinnamon and walnut swirl with a crunchy topping.

It took me a while to get my head around this one. A coffee cake is a cake to be enjoyed with a coffee (or with tea or in my case a hot chocolate). This cake does not contain coffee, which is a relief to me as I don’t like coffee but distressing for all those coffee lovers out there!

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 Pear and Chocolate Hazelnut Crumble Cake

Very similar to my Apple Crumble Cake but made with pears. I do think the pear is a very underrated fruit and not used nearly enough.

I grated the pears for this cake just like for my Apple Crumble Cake.

I have added chopped hazelnuts to the crumble topping of this cake it adds a nice bit of texture and goes nicely with the nutella I added to the cake.

Continue reading ” Pear and Chocolate Hazelnut Crumble Cake”